Venice, a one-of-a-kind city

Venice is the pride of GoGreen!, which is deeply commited to preserving its uniqueness.

The Venetian environmental heritage makes this city memorable in the eyes of the whole world, as it literally stands on water! The city’s foundations are made from tree trunks that are planted on the bottom of the lagoon: It is an extraordinary balance between environment and human life.

GoGreen! collaborates with local initiatives to promote the sustainability of the city of Venice, where it lives and works.

The respect and protection of the environment are GoGreen’s daily commitment!

Sustainability is a goal to be achieved every day and is reflected in everything we do.

Zero emissions

The headquarters of GoGreen! in Venice have been carbon neutral since its foundation in 2017.

In order to minimize its environmental impact, the office has adopted recycling and composting practices. Since the very beginning. It composts everything that is biodegradable for its back garden: It needs care and new flowers!

Renewable energy sources

The energy that is used at the Venice headquarters (every time we switch something on) comes completely, 100%, from renewable sources: It is clean energy that does not produce harmful emissions.

LifeGate is the supplier of GoGreen! and a consolidated partner in the projects it supports.

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GoGreen! doesn’t stop here

The projects of reforestation and protection of natural ecosystem that GoGreen! supports, in Italy and around the world, contribute to making positive the carbon emissions produced by its daily work. And by yours too! The commitment to the environment should be everyone’s effort. GoGreen! supports you and your work in caring for and protecting a greener future!


The GoGreen!

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The GoGreen!

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The GoGreen!

Environmental sustainability is the commitment you choose to embrace with GoGreen!